Is my child at risk for developmental delay?
Free Screener
This checklist for toddlers is used to check toddlers aged 16 to 30 months for signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and developmental delay. It’s not a tool to diagnose your child, so even if the score suggested a medium or high risk of ASD or this does not mean your child will get a diagnosis of autism. Children whose parents are concerned about autism or developmental should still contact their GP or pediatrician for further support.
Early detection of ASD or developmental delays is crucial for early intervention and support. It can be used by both health professionals and parents.
Answer questions about your child’s behaviours and skills. Choose ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for each question based on how your child usually acts. If you’re unsure, pick the option you think fits best and comment on it. After answering all 22 questions, press submit for your child’s score and next steps.