Aspire is a registered NDIS provider and you can use your NDIS funding to access our services.


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the main provider of financial assistance and individualised support for autism spectrum disorder and other recognised developmental delays.

Accessing NDIS funding

To access NDIS funding for our services, you must meet one of the three criteria below:
  • Have a recognised diagnosis and live in an NDIS area.
  • Have a delay in two or more areas (skill, speech/language/communication, motor, play and social).
  • Display behaviours that are impeding development in two or more of those areas.

There are two ways to access NDIS funding, depending on your child’s age. If your child is over seven, funding is available via the NDIS pathway. If your child is aged zero to seven, you access funding through the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) pathway.

Determining eligibility

NDIS eligibility is determined by your child’s diagnosis based on reduced functional capacity in communication, mobility, social interaction, learning, self-care or self-management. However, a diagnosis of autism at any level will likely meet NDIS funding criteria.

Medicare and private health insurance also cover some or all associated treatment costs for services, such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy and psychological services. 

Our clinical directors are happy to advocate on your behalf to ensure you qualify for the intensive services and programs you and your child deserve.

For more information on the NDIS, what is available and how to go about accessing the scheme please visit the official NDIS website.

Assistance Accessing NDIS Funding

If you child has a delay in two or more areas (including skill, speech/language/communication, motor, play and socials, or is displaying behaviours that are impeding development, and you do not have NDIS funding, we can help with a privately funded brief intake to assist you with completeing your Access Request Forms for EIC pathways. This includes access to services such as Restrictive Practices. 

For more information on the NDIS, what is available and how to go about accessing the scheme please visit the official NDIS website or contact our team.

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